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Документ Анализ бифуркаций удвоения периода кусочно-нелинейной системы с помощью метода амплитудных поверхностей(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Аврамов, К. В.The response surface is used to analyze the period doubling bifurcations under the condition of the two parameters change. The bifurcation analysis of piecewise-nonlinear system is fulfilled with the help of the response surface under the condition of the frequency and the amplitude of the excitation change. Different codimension two bifurcations were discovered in the piecewise-nonlinear system.Документ Графоаналитические методы вибрационного диагностирования трактора(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Говорущенко, Н. Я.; Мигаль, В. Д.Project leve l egtimation metodology and technical state alterelation egtimation metodology of tractors based on vibration level are founded. The vibration is uniform extending criterion of availability index of product at projection, operational development, manufacture, maintenance and repair.Документ Испытания на долговечность изделий авиационной техники(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Повгородний, В. О.All the results of the durability obtained are in conformity with normative-technical documents (the performance and technical specifications) and verified experimentally with cyclic durability (operational safety) tests by the sequential method following a sequence diagram, including disturbing factors, such as knocks, vibration, effect of cyclical summer and winter temperatures and normal conditions. Designers have a chance of obtaining the information concerning operational durability (fail-safety). Then, the designers will decide on the further steps: whether use shock absorbers, dampers, change geometrical dimensions or input the data in a computer-aided design system in order to find an optimal solution. The main results of the work have been implemented in industrial production in developing new aircraft instrumentation in Ukraine.Документ Исследование напряжений и деформаций в составном колесе электровагона при сборке с использованием комбинированного термического способа(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Андреев, Арнольд Георгиевич; Иванова, В. Н.; Оборский, И. Л.; Щепкин, Александр ВитальевичOn the basis of the available experimental data the systematic numerical research of one piece rolled railroad car wheel were made using technological heating by induction-heating devices which allowed the establishment of the laws of the stress-strain state of the wheel set elements, during its thermal assembly.Документ Исследование статистической прочности ведущего колеса гусеничной машины(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Бибик, Д. В.; Богарсуков, С. И.The work is devoted to research of static durability of a real design - conducting wheel of the caterpillar machine. The decision of the task is achieved by sharing of an experimental research of a sample and numerical account of finite-element model of research object. The experimental research was carried out by a strain measurement method, and for finite-element account the ANSYS program was used. The estimation of wheels static durability at real loads influence was received as a result.Документ К решению контактных задач МКЭ с учетом фрикционного нагрева(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Гонтаровский, П. П.; Гармаш, Н. Г.Some issues of realization of thermocontact problems with account of factional heating by means of finite-element method are considered. The examples of a solution of stationary and non-stationary axially symmetric problems with sliding of contact surfaces at the expense of a difference of angular velocities are presented. The essential influence of factional heating on the distribution of contact pressure and temperature fields in structures is shownДокумент Колебания катушек канатовьющих машин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Бохонский, А. И.; Хромов, Е. В.Investigate torsion oscillations in act of twist ropes ofropeweving machinesДокумент Комбинированное автофретирование толстостенных цилиндров(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Львов, Геннадий Иванович; Лысенко, Сергей ВикторовичThe autofrettage of thick-walled cylinders of a variable thickness is considered on the basis of variational statement of the contact task elastic-plastic deformation and unloading. The numerical realization is carried out by a finite element method in a package ANSYS. The model of a material takes into account kinematic hardening and ideal effect Baushinger. The optimum geometric parameters of bandage and initial free clearance are defined, at which the favorable distribution of residual stresses will be derivated and the bandage after a full unloading is removed.Документ Комплексная оценка долговечности колесных тормозов тракторов типа Т-150К(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Кухтов, В. Г.; Щербак, О. В.; Лесь, А. Н.The article contains results of settlement researches of the pressure and deformed condition of a wheel brake drum with use of spatial solid-state designing. The recommendations for perfection of its design are given.Документ Контактное взаимодействие цилиндрических ортогональных оболочек(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Бортовой, В. В.; Лавинский, Денис ВладимировичThe text in question deals with stress-strain analysis for technological operation of connection of two thin-wall constructions. The construction are modeled by two cylindrical shells. One of them is oriented in vertical direction, another - in horizontal. Horizontal shell is loaded by uniform internal normal pressure. The finite element method (FEM) is numerical one of solution. The FEM program complex COSMOS/M is mean of solution. The deformed shape of construction and plots of displacements and stress intensity is presented. It is shown that uniform pressure is unsuccessful for required technological conditions.Документ Напряженно-деформированное состояние дисков силового каркаса магнитной системы электрофизической установки(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Автономова, Людмила Владимировна; Хавин, Валерий ЛьвовичThe stress-strain analysis of the disk of power flame magnetic system electrophysical plant was investigated by the finite element method with the object of receipt the nice calculation The flagrant solution was considered for the whole disk and more accurate solution was considered for definition of concentration of stress in the region of the orifice under the sprig.Документ Напряженное состояние модели составной бандажированной матрицы для полугорячего выдавливания(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Бондарь, Сергей Владимирович; Лавинский, Владимир Иванович; Степук, Александр ВладимировичПредставлены материалы по разработке и внедрению методики моделирования контактного взаимодействия элементов в составных многокомпонентных бандажированных матрицах для полугорячего выдавливания, ориентированной на применение программного комплекса 8РАСЕ-Т.Документ Нестационарное деформирование многослойных пластин и цилиндрических оболочек на упругом основании(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Долгополова, Н. В.; Угримов, С. В.; Шупиков, А. Н.In work the problem of non-stationary deformation of free-supported multilayer plates and cylindrical shells which lay on the elastic two-parameter foundation is considered. The behaviour of multilayer thin-walled constructions is described by the refined theory of multilayer plates and shells. The influence of parameters of the elastic foundation on the stress-strained state of multilayer constructions is investigated.Документ О влиянии характеристик связей тележки с кузовом на динамические и эксплуатационные показатели тепловоза(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Маслиев, Вячеслав Георгиевичметодом математического моделирования исследовано влияние характеристик связей кузова тепловоза с рамой тележки на ресурс бандажей. Показана целесообразность поворота коляски в направлении кривой участка пути, если она малого радиуса, потому что это несколько снижает износ гребней колес.Документ Определение видов ремонта магистральных трубопроводов в зависимости от размеров дефектных участков(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Конохова, О. В.; Ворончагин, П. Ф.; Конохов, Владимир ИвановичIn present article offers a repair laying necessity determination methods and air of required repair arterial conduits in dependence on size of corrosive defeating. A Given methods founded on being normative documents and allows to take into account majority of factors, determining bearing conduits areas ability, containing the corrosive defects.Документ Определение значимых параметров расчетных моделей элементов механических систем по результатам эксперимента(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Ткачук, Николай АнатольевичThe experimental method for determination of significant parameters of numerical models of the mechanical systems elements is described. Determination of the main parameters set is carried out after experimental research by speckle-holography method.Документ Оптимизация технологического нагрева вагонного колеса при сборке колесной пары(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Щепкин, Александр ВитальевичOn the basis of the available experimental data the systematic numerical research of one piece rolled railroad car wheel were made using technological heating by induction-heating devices which allowed the establishment of the laws of the stress-strain state of the wheel set elements, during its thermal assembly.Документ Особенности напряженно-деформированного состояния сварных роторов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Левченко, Евгений Владимирович; Гришин, Н. Н.Examined are stress-strain state and improvement of weld design strength of welded rotors for steam and gas turbinesДокумент Оценка достоверности математических моделей в задачах высокоскоростного термокинетического деформирования элементов конструкций цилиндрической формы(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Бизюк, А. В.; Чернобрывко, М. В.; Ярещенко, В. Г.In work is done a comparative analysis of mathematical models of high-rate elasto-plastic deforming of cylindrical shells, which based on comparison with experimental data. An optimum model is a 2-dimension layer with taking into account deformation speed dominance and thermal parameters.Документ Оценка нагруженности балансиров подвески опорных катков гусеничного транспортера-тягача легкой весовой категории(НТУ "ХПИ", 2001) Писарев, В. П.Quantitative estimate of the loading beams of loader-trailer MT-L is considered by new method as compared with traditional approach