Sylka, I. V.2021-10-042021-10-042021Sylka I. V. Technology of intellectual property management of industrial enterprises according to the process approach / I. V. Sylka // The scientific heritage. – 2021. – No. 60. – P. 3-8. conditions of the technological revolution, computerization and knowledge management, the most important issue for industrial enterprises is to use an effective intellectual property management system. Globalization, integration of production and trade operations of different states results in the need to develop the intellectual property management in certain processes related to the development, creation and purchase of ready-to-use industrial goods of intellectual property. At the same time, the effectiveness of their application is directed by the implementation rate, which depends on the method of intellectual property management. The study of literature sources has shown the feasibility of using a process approach to the intellectual property management, but scientific treatises do not provide the concept, classification and structure of management processes. For this reason, the purpose of writing the article is to define the essence of the "process" concept for the intellectual property management, the composition of its actions aimed at obtaining additional income from the use of objects of this property. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed, namely: - the essence of the "process" concept is defined as a sequence of actions aimed at obtaining additional income from the use of intellectual property, and consisting of unit operations; - the classification of management processes is established - development, use in own business, acquisition and selling of actually created objects of intellectual property in the target market; - development processes control schemes, schemes of use and sale of intellectual property are developed.enindustrial enterprisesintellectual property objectsprocess approach managementmanagement processprocess control schemesTechnology of intellectual property management of industrial enterprises according to the process 0000-0003-1963-5164