Vambol, S. O.Mezentseva, I. O.Liu, Yujun2023-11-292023-11-292023Vambol S. O. Educational component as a way of improving status of labor safety of mechanical building industry of Ukraine / S. O. Vambol, I. O. Mezentseva, Liu Yujun // Молодь і технічний прогрес в АПВ : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 23-24 листопада 2023 р. / гол. ред. О. В. Нанка. – Харків : ДБУ, 2023. – С. 380-381. research shows that the educational component is one of the areas of safe work in mechanical engineering. The analysis of the educational programs of the master's level in the machine-building industry of Ukraine and the EU countries on the example of Germany is presented. It is proposed to introduce relevant disciplines into educational programs for the formation of culture and occupational safety in specialists.enmachine-building industryeconomic activityindustrial injuriesoccupational diseasesEducational component as a way of improving status of labor safety of mechanical building industry of UkraineArticle