Яковлєв, Анатолій Іванович2018-02-222018-02-222017Яковлєв А. І. Оцінка доцільності продажу вітчизняних сировини, матеріалів, комплектуючих при придбанні з-за кордону готових з них виробів / А. І. Яковлєв // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій = Marketing and Management of Innovations. – 2017. – № 4. – С. 89-98.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/34701Виконано аналіз існуючих методів визначення ефективності зовнішньоекономічної діяльності. Виділені актуальні аспекти їх подальшого розвитку. В цьому плані розроблені зокрема засоби визначення величини ефекту, а також можливих збитків при продажі української сировини за кордон і закупівлі у зворотному напрямі готових товарів з неї. Надані рекомендації щодо державної підтримки, щоб запобігти можливим негативним наслідкам при цьому. Розроблені методи оцінки ефекту при продажі вітчизняних інновацій за кордон з урахуванням зниження величини ефекту за період життєвого циклу товарів в зв’язку з появою на ринку більш конкурентоспроможних інновацій. Проаналізовані переваги і недоліки участі українських суб’єктів підприємництва у транснаціональних компаніях.Existing methods for determining the effectiveness of international economic activity are analysed. It is shown that they do not sufficiently take into account the specifics of the calculation of losses (effect) in the direction we are considering, in particular, related to the recourse-based nature of the domestic economy, evaluation of the activities of multinational enterprises. In this respect, it required further development of the theory and practice. The article also defines the current aspects of their further development. This plan, in particular, provides means to determine the value of the economic impact, as well as possible losses during export sales of Ukrainian raw materials and purchasing back the finished goods made of these materials. It is taken into account that several business entities participate in the final product development, which makes it necessary to evaluate their activity on innovations development at different levels of the effect (of losses) obtainment. At the same time, the government has a double income from tax revenues as a result of selling domestic raw materials abroad and importing the finished goods manufactured from these materials. However, at the same time, domestic requirements for similar raw materials are not met and jobs are being reduced. Provided recommendations on governmental support to prevent possible negative consequences in such case. It is proposed to size the governmental order to the required amounts in the event when inland consumer has a shortage of domestic raw materials. Likewise, it is suggested to introduce a duty on the import of finished goods manufactured from domestic raw materials, stimulate inland producers with an increase in the production of goods made of domestic raw materials. Establish close cooperation with international organizations, arguing the unacceptability of a number of their demands in the current state of the Ukrainian economy. Methods developed herein are aimed to assess the impact of selling domestic innovations abroad taking into account the decrease in the impact value over the life cycle of goods associated with the appearance of more competitive innovations on the market. The advantages and disadvantages of Ukrainian business entities participation in multinational enterprises are analysed. Relevant calculation methods are proposed, including purchase of foreign licenses and sale of licensed Ukrainian goods abroad. Key words: effectiveness, international economic activity, sale, raw materials, finished goods, innovations, licensing, multinational enterprises. The recommendations set forth in the article will contribute to the economically feasible choice in establishing of domestic finished goods based on use of own materials, raw products, components, and justified calculation from the joint production of goods in different countries by multinational enterprises under the conditions of global economy development. The above-mentioned solutions contribute to the development of the theory and practice of social and economic efficiency of innovation. The further line of research will involve development of corresponding analytical dependences for specific types of industries.ukдіяльність зовнішньоекономічнаефективність економічнаінноваціїліцензуваннякомпанія транснаціональнаforeign economic activityefficiencyinnovationslicensingtransnational companiesОцінка доцільності продажу вітчизняних сировини, матеріалів, комплектуючих при придбанні з-за кордону готових з них виробівEvaluation of the feasibility of selling domestic raw materials, materials, components during purchasing ready-made products from abroadArticle10.21272/mmi.2017.4-8