Gaponenko, OlgaSergienko, OlenaTatar, Maryna2024-08-172024-08-172018Gaponenko O. Personnel material motivation and its effect on enterprise economic processes / Olga Gaponenko, Olena Sergienko, Maryna Tatar // 8th International conference on application of information and communication technology and statistics in economy and education, October 18-20, 2018 / ed. Dr. Dimiter G. Velev. – Sofia : UNWE, 2018. – P. 145-153. indicators system characterizing the personnel financial motivation and enterprises economic processes is improved. These indicators unlike existing fragmentary indicators take into account wages efficiency indicators such as profitability / yield payroll, the cost of wages and wages level (in total production costs) next with the stablished directions of productive resources usage for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the state of these phenomena at the macro level. The developed methodical approach to the calculation of personnel material payouts involves the determination of additional pay on the bases of proposed labor contribution rate, which takes into account labor costs without the use of invariant scales and size of incentive and compensation payments by a corresponding coefficient whose value depends on value of certain assessment factors, which makes possible to create conditions for wages part objective formation.enenterprise economic processesmanagement decisionsmaterial paymentspayment of laborpersonnel material motivation efficiencyproduction resourcesset of interrelated phenomena of economic characterPersonnel material motivation and its effect on enterprise economic processesArticle