Savchenko, OlgaSkvorchevsky, Alexander Evgenievich2019-07-152019-07-152019Savchenko O. Innovative and military-industrial component of overcoming modern challenges of the Baltic-Black Sea region countries / O. Savchenko, A. Skvorchevsky // Information and Innovation Technologies in the Life of Society : monograph / ed. A. Ostenda, N. Svitlychna. – Katowice : Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej Katowice, 2019 . – Sect. 3.3. – P. 310-315. purpose of the study is to analyze the capabilities of the military-industrial resources of the Baltic-Black Sea region, the ways of their integration and the level of innovation, as one of the most important components of competitiveness in the global market for weapons and military equipment. Paper contributes to the state-of-the-art of open innovation in way explores of external knowledge used in the innovation process. Study the origin of external knowledge used in the innovation process.ennational economic interestsnational securityinnovative technological cooperationcorrelation analysisінтереси економічнібезпека національнаспівробітництво інноваційнеспівробітництво технологічнеаналіз кореляційнийInnovative and military-industrial component of overcoming modern challenges of the Baltic-Black Sea region countriesBook chapter