Li, WeiMaslak, M. V.Pererva, P. G.2024-09-062024-09-062024Li Wei. Business organizational forms / Li Wei, Maslak M. V., Pererva P. G. // Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров'я = Information technologies: science, engineering, technology, education, health : тези доп. 32-ї міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. MicroCAD–2024, [22-25 травня 2024 р.] / ред. Є. І. Сокол ; уклад. Г. В. Лісачук. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2024. – С. 673. the appropriate organizational form depends on many factors, including the level of risk, taxation, ownership structure and the desirability of business expansion. We offer the following forms of business organization for use. The choice of the optimal organizational form of business should be carried out taking into account the specifics of the activity, development strategy, risks and legal aspects. To determine the best option, it is recommended that you consult with professional lawyers or business consultants.enrisktaxationproduction organizationbusinessfactorsefficiencyBusiness organizational formsОрганізаційні форми бізнесуArticle