Danko, TarasLong, Yulin2022-11-212022-11-212021Danko T. Belt and road initiative implications for international business theory / T. Danko, Y. Long // Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров'я = Information technologies: science, engineering, technology, education, health : тези доп. 29-ї міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. MicroCAD–2021, [18-20 травня 2021 р.] : у 5 ч. Ч. 3 / ред. Є. І. Сокол. – Харків : Планета-Прінт, 2021. – C. 12.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/59443Among the future research venues of China’s Belt and Road Initiative implications for international business theory, the most promising is the integrated application of the institution-based view, business model design thinking, and the Fourth industrial revolution concept.eninstitution-based viewChinaone belt one road initiativeinternational businessforeign direct investmentFourth Industrial RevolutionBelt and road initiative implications for international business theoryThesishttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-1308-826X