Sergienko, O. A.Stepurina, Svitlana OleksandrivnaBilan, Yuliia Andriivna2020-05-042020-05-042017Sergienko S. O. Cognitive simulation of educational migration trends and conditions in the context of universities' competitiveness / S. O. Sergienko, S. O. Stepurina, Yu. A. Bilan // Ekonomický a sociálny rozvoj slovenska efektívnosť verejnej správy – malé a stredné podnikanie – európske hospodárstvo : zb. prísp. 12. roč. medzin. vedec. konf., Bratislava, 9 novembra 2017. – Bratislava : VŠEMvs, 2017. – P. 280-295. article conteins the cognitive model for studying the educational migration trends and factors. Scenarios of situation development were implemented: optimistic, realistic and pessimistic that allows to forming methodical recommendations for improving the attracting foreign contingent policies in the context of universities competitiveness management.encognitive modelscenario modelingeducational migrationuniversity competitivenessforeign contingentratingtrendsfactorsCognitive simulation of educational migration trends and conditions in the context of universities' competitivenessArticle