Breslavsky, D. V.Morachkovsky, O. K.Shyriaieva, N. V.2019-05-222019-05-222010Breslavsky D. V. Nonlinear vibrations and long-term strength of turbine blades / D. V. Breslavsky, O. K. Morachkovsky, N. V. Shyriaieva // Nonlinear Dynamics–2010 = Нелинейная динамика–2010 : proceedings the 3rd International Conference, dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of the National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", September 21-24, 2010 / National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute" [et al.]. – Kharkov : NTU "KhPI", 2010. – P. 272-277. method of a durability estimation of rotating turbomachinery blades at forced flexural-flexural-torsional vibrations is offered. The method is based on the methods of Continuous Damage Mechanics and the accurate strain analysis of the pre-twisted blades at the nonlinear vibrations with moderate displacements. The method to solve the strain analysis problem and turbomachinery blades high-cycle fatigue damage estimation as a result of nonlinear vibrations is presented.enNonlinear vibrations and long-term strength of turbine bladesThesis