Shchebetova, A. O.Pererva, P. G.2024-12-272024Shchebetova A. O. Financial and economic support of innovation activity [Electronic resource] / A. O. Shchebetova, P. G. Pererva // Marketing of innovations. Innovations in marketing : materials of the Intern. Sci. Internet Conf., December 2024 / ed. S. Illiashenko ; Univ. of Economics and Humanities. – [E-edition]. – Bielsko-Biala : WSEH, 2024. – P. 139-141. report proves that the effectiveness of all financial and economic measures is most often assessed by the size of the economic efficiency of innovations and innovation activities: the economic effect of the introduction of innovations (reduction of costs, increase in income) is determined; Forecasting models are used to estimate the long-term benefits of innovationenfinancial measuresinnovation activitiesefficiencytechnologiesdevelopment modelsFinancial and economic support of innovation activityФінансово-економічне забезпечення інноваційної діяльностіArticle