Mekhovich, K. S.Pererva, P. G.2023-06-192023-06-192023Mekhovych K. Foresight technologies as a tool to improve the efficiency of innovation management [Electronic resource] / K. Mekhovych, P. Pererva // Синергетичні драйвери розвитку обліку, податкового аудиту та бізнес-аналітики = Synergetic Drivers of Development of Accounting, Tax, Audit and Business Analytics : зб. тез за матеріалами 2-ї Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф., 28 квітня 2023 р. / Держ. податковий ун-т. – Електрон. текст. дані. – Ірпінь, 2023. – С. 532-534. – URI: large-scale and dynamic spread of the foresight methodology is explained by the emergence of new problems in the world economy: the complication of technological competence, increased competition and barriers to public funding. The need to solve the described problems outweighs the importance of foresight.enforesight technologiesinnovative activityefficiencyproductionmarketprofitForesight technologies as a tool to improve the efficiency of innovation managementArticle