Litvinova, U. S.Cherednichenko, O. Yu.Shmatko, O. V.Moskalenko, Valentina VolodymyrovnaKopp, A. M.2025-01-102024Guidelines for completion of thesis educational qualification level – Master's degree in knowledge area 12 "Information technology" [Electronic resource] for students of spec. 121 "Software Engineering" / comp.: Cherednichenko O. Y., Litvinova Y. S., Shmatko, O. V., Moskalenko V. V. Kopp A. M. ; National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Electron. text data. – Kharkiv : NTU "KhPI", 2024. – 15 p. – URI: guidelines contain a description of the requirements for the mandatory structure and minimum content of explanatory notes of master's theses for students studying in the speciality 121 "Software Engineering" of the educational programme "Software Engineering".enguidelinesdiploma worksmagistracyinformation technologysoftware engineeringresearch activityGuidelines for completion of thesis educational qualification level – Master's degree in knowledge area 12 "Information technology"Learning Object