Носова, Яна ВитальевнаАврунин, Олег ГригорьевичЖемчужкина, Татьяна Владимировна2018-11-192018-11-192018Носова Я. В. Возможности автоматизированного определения порога ощущения одоривектора при риноманометрической оценке обонятельной чувствительности / Я. В. Носова, О. Г. Аврунин, Т. В. Жемчужкина // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : New solutions in modern technology : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 26 (1302), т. 2. – С. 31-36.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38494Статья посвящена автоматизации определения порога ощущения одоривектора при риноманометрической оценке обонятельной чувствительности. Данный порог соответствует реакции тестируемого на подаваемый запах при рино-ольфактометрической оценке обонятельной чувствительности человека. Таким образом, усовершенствован метод определения порога ольфакторной чувствительности, который отличается тем, что позволяет за счет анализа формы циклограммы носового дыхания повысить объективность диагностики нарушений обонятельной чувствительности или респираторно-обонятельных нарушений.The use of existing devices for the study of olfactory function requires a large amount of time and complex equipment, which limits their use in practical rhinology, and most importantly, ultimately, reduces to a subjective evaluation of the reaction to the supplied odorant. It should be noted that computer olfactometry is one of the most promising methods for diagnosing olfactory disorders namely respiratory genesis. When the odorivector senses normal in the subject near the threshold of sensation (when the intensity of breathing is increased), respiration is arbitrarily briefly shortened, and when the threshold of sensation sets in, the breathing cycles turn into "sniffing", which contributes to deeper air entering the olfactory area and recognizing the smell. This point in time can be characterized as the onset of the threshold of sensation of the odorivector. In this article, we propose a structural diagram of the method for determining the threshold of olfactory sensitivity. The main unit is the digital signal processing unit, in which the pneumatic power of the respiratory pattern is calculated as the product of the pressure drop and the air volume flow, and the calculation of the respiration energy is performed by integrating the cyclogram pneumatic breathing power. It is established that to establish the threshold of olfactory sensitivity it is expedient to use the developed method of automated determination of the threshold of sensation of an odorivector. The method is based on the analysis of the respiratory cycle, namely, the search for the time at which the subject briefly breathes for a short time. This threshold corresponds to the reaction of the test subject to the feed odor with a rhino-olfactometry evaluation of the human olfactory sensitivity. Improvement of the method consists in determining the threshold of olfactory sensitivity, which makes it possible, by analyzing the shape of the nasal respiratory cycle, to increase the objectivity of diagnosing abnormalities of olfactory sensitivity or respiratory and olfactory disorders. The prospect of the work consists in testing the computer system of respiratory-olfactory disorders and preliminary medical approbation.ruпорог чувствительностинарушения дыхательно-обонятельныеольфактометриярасход воздухаthreshold of sensitivityВозможности автоматизированного определения порога ощущения одоривектора при риноманометрической оценке обонятельной чувствительностиPossibilities for the automated detection of the odorivektor sensation threshold for a rhinomanometric assessment of olfactory sensitivityArticle10.20998/2413-4295.2018.26.29