Гапон, Галина Александровна2013-07-242013-07-242009Гапон Г. А. Динамика переменной массы вихревых течений / Г. А. Гапон // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Энергетические и теплотехнические процессы и оборудование. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2009. – № 3. – С. 193-195.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/1376The mathematical model of the variable mass’ vortical motion is created according to the variable mass concept in the continuous medium. The equations for vortex in the case of the variable mass continuous medium motion are derived for the first time. These equations are analogs and generalizations of the Gromeka – Lamb and Fridman equations in case of variable mass motion. The model can be applied for statement of the problem of vortical motion calculation, when fluid flow rate is changing along the channel. Variable fluid flow rate can be caused by the working medium masses attachment and detachment, which take place in steam and gas turbines, scroll cases of centrifugal turbines [1], etc.ruтечения рабочей средызаконы динамикисплошная средауравнения для вихряДинамика переменной массы вихревых теченийArticle