Romanovskyi, O. G.Sereda, NataliiaLapuzina, OlenaVorobiova, Yevheniia2023-09-072023-09-072023Methodological guidelines for completion master's graduation thesis [Electronic resource]: for full-time and part-time students of higher education second level of training "master" spec. 011 "Educational, pedagogical sciences" educational program "Pedagogy of high school" / comp.: O. G. Romanovskyi [et al.] ; National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Electronic text data. – Kharkiv, 2023. – 62 p. guidelines are intended to provide students of higher education with the necessary assistance in the proper preparation and completion of the Master's Graduation Theses of the master's degree in pedagogy of high school. In the methodical instructions, the main requirements for the content and structure of the Master's Graduation Theses in higher school pedagogy as a whole and each of its sections are detailed, as well as the necessary reference materials for the preparation of an explanatory note in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents. The educational program « Pedagogy of high school « is intended for masters in the specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences».enmethodological guidelinesacademic integritycitation rulesrules for drawing up an explanatory notefinal report of the master's graduation thesissample design of contentsMethodological guidelines for completion master's graduation thesisLearning Object