Hren, L. M.2022-07-052022-07-052020Hren L. Innovative policy of the state to improve the system of incentives for the work of lecturers in the institutions of higher education of Ukraine / L. Hren // East Journal of Security Studies. – 2020. – Vol. 6, No. 1. – P. 63-73. the functioning and development of the education sector, its selfregulation at the national, regional and local levels requires state intervention through the implementation of an appropriate innovative educational policy; it has been proved that the issue of finding effective tools for motivating scientific and pedagogical personnel to activate and improve scientific pedagogical activity requires an innovative nature of state policy, and a rational personnel policy in a higher education institution will positively affect an increase in the institution's prestige as an employer, and optimize the motivational system.eninnovation policy of the statedirections of state policystimulation of workmotivationinstitution of higher educationscientific and pedagogical workersInnovative policy of the state to improve the system of incentives for the work of lecturers in the institutions of higher education of UkraineArticle