Dobroskok, Vladimir L.Pogarsky, Andrei V.Garashchenko, Yaroslav N.2020-07-102020-07-102016Dobroskok V. L. Improving the accuracy of products in their building by selective laser sintering using compensating deformations of initial triangulated models [Electronic resource] / V. L. Dobroskok, A. V. Pogarsky, Ya. N. Garashchenko // MultiScience : Public. of 30th MicroCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference University of Miskolc, Hungary, 21-22 April 2016. – Electron. text data. – Miskolc, 2016. – 7 p. – URL:, free (accessed 10.07.2020). of technological preparation of triangulated models of industrial products for their building by selective laser sintering are considered. The need to implement compensating deformations on the stage of the technological preparation is justified. It is shown that the use of compensating deformation creates preconditions to improve the accuracy of products in their building by selective laser sintering.enImproving the accuracy of products in their building by selective laser sintering using compensating deformations of initial triangulated