Serhiienko, OlenaTatar, MarynaGuryanova, LidiyaShapran, OlenaBril, Mykhailo2024-08-242024-08-242023Improvement of financial instruments of the agricultural sector and food security efficiency increasing / Olena Serhiienko [et al.] // Economic Studies. – 2023. – Vol. 32, iss. 5. – P. 115-142. methodical toolbox of lending to entities in the agricultural sector provides three levels of hierarchy management interaction – macro, meso and micro levels (state – region – agricultural enterprises) on the bases of the complex usage of economic and mathematical models and which contains six interrelated and sequential blocks was proposed. The method of agricultural enterprises crediting improvement is implemented in accordance with the strategic position of lending to agricultural enterprises through targeted support and the creditworthiness level, which can solve the following problems: observation and evaluation of the financial and economic indicators; classification of enterprises, recognition, and identification of enterprises in terms of creditworthiness; assessment of the differences between classes given dimension enterprises.enagricultural sectorbusiness entitiescreditcreditworthiness levelfood securityinteractionlendingloansriskImprovement of financial instruments of the agricultural sector and food security efficiency increasingArticle