Voronkin, A. A.Mishurov, D. O.Nedilko, O. P.2022-12-222022-12-222019Voronkin A. A. Dopant concentration effect on fungi resistant of nonlinear polymer nanocomposites / A. A. Voronkin, D. O. Mishurov, O. P. Nedilko // Nanotechnology and nanomaterials : book of abstracts of participants of the 7th International research and practice conference (NANO-2019), 27-30 August 2019, Lviv (Ukraine) / Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Kyiv : Computer-publishing information center, 2019. – P. 141.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/60422endopant concentrationfungiresistantnonlinear polymer nanocompositesконцентрація допантугрибистійкістьнелінійні полімерні нанокомпозитиDopant concentration effect on fungi resistant of nonlinear polymer nanocompositesThesis