Gruneantu, I.Ilias, N.Radu, S.Andras, I.Jujan, C.2016-01-162016-01-162010Correlation of the stock pile dimmensions with equipment parameters / I. Gruneantu [etc] // Високі технології в машинобудуванні = High technologies of machine-building : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2010. – Вип. 1 (20). – С. 45-50. coal warehouses which have formed as a result of operation of deposits, are necessary structural elements of the making branches, processing or consuming. In work the concept of measurement and realization of the warehouses, described is presented by simplicity, peak efficiency and the minimal investment volume.The coal warehouses which have formed as a result of operation of deposits, are necessary structural elements of the making branches, processing or consuming. In work the concept of measurement and realization of the warehouses, described is presented by simplicity, peak efficiency and the minimal investment volume.encoal warehousesminimal investment volumepeak efficiencyугольные складыэксплуатация месторождениймаксимальная эффективностьминимальный инвестиционный обьемCorrelation of the stock pile dimmensions with equipment parametersОпределение размеров угольных складов в зависимости от характеристики оборудованияArticle