Gurevich, Vladimir2015-01-192015-01-192007Gurevich V. Problem with output relays used in microprocessor-based protection devices: what to do? / V. Gurevich // Электротехника и Электромеханика = Electrical engineering & Electromechanics. – 2007. – № 6. – С. 24-29. is the author's second publication on nonconformance of parameters of subminiature output relays used in microprocessor-based protective devices to actual operation conditions and standards. The article suggests adjustment of the standards and presents specific engineering solutions to this problemenmicroprocessor relayprotective relaysswitching capacityinductive loadarc protectionмикропроцессорызащитные реледуговая защитаProblem with output relays used in microprocessor-based protection devices: what to do?Article