Povoroznyuk, O. A.Povoroznyuk, A. I.2024-04-112024-04-112024Laboratory workshop on the course “Computer Architecture” [Electronic resource] : for full-time and part-time students of spec. 123 "Computer Engineering” / comp.: O. A. Povoroznyuk, A. I. Povoroznyuk ; National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Electronic text data. – Kharkiv, 2024. – 82 p.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/76422The laboratory workshop includes methodological instructions for 9 two-hour laboratory works, which include work on determining the PC configuration, controlling the timer and sound, the keyboard, drives on magnetic disks, and controlling the video system in text and graphic modes. Each laboratory work contains an individual task, control questions and the item "Peculiarities of programming" in one of the programming languages Turbo-C or Turbo-Pascal, taking into account the depth of knowledge of the students of a specific programming language. Intended for students of all undergraduate majors in Computer Engineering 123, it can also be useful for both beginners and experienced programmers in creating effective software.enworkshoplaboratory workcomputer architecturecomputer engineeringPC configurationcontrolling the video systemLaboratory workshop on the course "Computer Architecture"Learning Object