Mikhlin, Yuri V.Onizhuk, Anton A.2022-04-172022-04-172019Mikhlin Yuri V. Resonance behavior of the non-ideal system which contains a snap-trough truss as absorber / Yuri V. Mikhlin, Anton A. Onizhuk // NODYCON 2019 : book of abstr. of the 1st Nonlinear dynamics conf., February 17-20, 2019. – Rome : SUR, 2019. – [2 p.].https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/56480A resonance behavior of a system containing the linear oscillator, the Mises girder as absorber of elastic vibrations and the source of energy with a limited power-supply is analyzed. Stationary resonance regimes of vibrations near stable equilibrium position are considered, namely, vibrations near the resonance 1:1 between the linear oscillator and the motor, vibrations near the resonance 1:1 between the absorber and the motor. The stationary regime of snap through motion is also considered.ensystems with a limited power-supplySommerfeld effecttable resonance regimeresonanceNODYCONсистеми з обмеженим джерелом живленняефект Зоммерфельдастійкий резонансний режимрезонансResonance behavior of the non-ideal system which contains a snap-trough truss as absorberThesis