Pererva, P. G.Kobielieva, TetianaKosenko, O. P.2023-02-072023-02-072022Pererva P. Assessment of patent value using its citation index [Electronic resource] / P. Pererva, T. Kobielieva, O. Kosenko // Mérleg és kihívások – fenntarthatóság : ХІІ nk. tud. konf., október 12-14 2022, Miskolc-Lillafüred / University of Miskolc. – Electronic text data. – Miskolc, 2022. – P. 563-571. – URI: the example of patents, the issue of assessing the value of intellectual property objects is highlighted, taking into account the indicator (index) of their citations in scientific literature. A study of the types of patent citations was conducted, to which the authors include citations from an article to a patent, from a patent to a patent, from a patent to an article. It is proposed to use criteria for classification of patent citations using two indicators. Firstly, taking into account the scope of use of the citation - whether in the field of scientific action of the patent or beyond it, and secondly, taking into account the subject of citation - the citation is carried out by another patent owner or self-citation is carried out by the owner of this patent. Peculiarities of patent citation in comparison with methods of traditional citation of scientific works are revealed. For the first time, special attention is paid to the nature of the citation itself: positive or negative. It is substantiated that taking into account in the calculation of the citation index quotes with a negative content contributes to the decline of scientific discussion, since the mention of opponents in ranking articles directly affects the value of their citation index, which does not always objectively reproduce the actual scientific merits of one or another scientist.enintellectual propertypatentvaluationrating of articlesindustrial enterprisesAssessment of patent value using its citation indexОцінка вартості патенту за індексом його цитуванняThesis