Balajti, Z.2015-10-262015-10-262012Balajti Z. Potentiality of application the projective geometry in worm design / Z. Balajti // Резание и инструмент в технологических системах = Cutting & tool in technological system : междунар. науч.-техн. сб. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ", 2012. – Вып. 81. – С. 10-17. the procedure of the analytical geometrical describing of the production process in mechanical engineer work and the projective space is practically identical, which makes it reasonable to discuss of the production geometry to approach of the projective geometrical negotiation. It is a reality that in one of the cases, using the approach of a projective geometrical connection and the mathematical-kinematical model resulted in expansion in the field of production precision, specifically considering the examination of the production of the conical worm. The abstract of the production geometry on projective geometry has a few results. The elliptical errors can be eliminated by this method way, to achieve the constant pitch.enPotentiality of application the projective geometry in worm designArticle