Akulenko, L. D.Kozachenko, T. A.Leshchenko, D. D.Zinkevich, Ya. S.2016-11-282016-11-282016Perturbed Rotations of a Rigid Body Close to the Lagrange Case under the Action of Unsteady Perturbation Torques / L. D. Akulenko [et al.] // Nonlinear Dynamics–2016 (ND-KhPI2016) : proceedings of 5th International Conference, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician V. L. Rvachev, September 27-30, 2016 = Нелінійна динаміка–2016 : тези доп. 5-ї Міжнар. конф., 27-30 вересня 2016 р. – Kharkov : NTU "KhPI", 2016. – P. 252-259.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/24964Perturbed rotations of a rigid body close to the Lagrange case under the action of perturbation torques slowly varying in time are investigated. Conditions are presented for the possibility of averaging the equations of motion with respect to the nutation angle and the averaged system of equations of motion is obtained. In the case of the rotational motion of the body in the linear-dissipative medium the numerical integration of the averaged system of equations is conducted.enperturbed motionaveragingtorquePerturbed Rotations of a Rigid Body Close to the Lagrange Case under the Action of Unsteady Perturbation TorquesArticle