Artyukov, I. A.Feschenko, R. M.Vinogradov, A. V.Bugayev, Ye. A.Devizenko, O. Y.Kondratenko, V. V.Kasyanov, Yu. S.Hatano, T.Yamamoto, M.Saveliev, S. V.2014-03-122014-03-122010Soft X-ray imaging of thick carbon-based materials using the normal incidence multilayer optics / I. A. Artyukov [et al.] // Micron. – 2010. – Vol. 41. – p. 722-728. high transparency of carbon-containing materials in the spectral region of “carbon window” (∼4.5–5 nm) introduces new opportunities for various soft X-ray microscopy applications. The development of efficient multilayer coated X-ray optics operating at the wavelengths of about 4.5nm has stimulated a series of our imaging experiments to study thick biological and synthetic objects. Our experimental set-up consisted of a laser plasma X-ray source generated with the 2nd harmonics of Nd–glass laser, scandium-based thin-film filters, Co/C multilayer mirror and X-ray film UF-4. All soft X-ray images were produced with a single nanosecond exposure and demonstrated appropriate absorption contrast and detector-limited spatial resolution. A special attention was paid to the 3D imaging of thick low-density foam materials to be used in design of laser fusion targetsensoft X-ray microscopycarbon windowX-ray multilayer mirrorlaser plasmaSoft X-ray imaging of thick carbon-based materials using the normal incidence multilayer opticsArticle