Bondarenko, D. B.Liutenko, Iryna Victorivna2024-06-112024-06-112023Bondarenko D. B. Research of business processes for a web-based information system for food storage control / Bondarenko D. B., Liutenko I. V. // Інформаційні технології і автоматизація – 2023 : зб. тез доп. 16-ї Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 19-20 жовтня 2023 р. = Information technologies and automation – 2023 : proc. of the 16th annual sci. conf., October 19-20, 2023. – Одеса : ОНАХТ, 2023. – P. 198-200. thesis discusses the importance and potential of information systems for refrigerated food accounting to reduce food loss, improve social and environmental performance, and increase resource efficiency. This article discusses the key aspects of such systems and their impact on society and the environment.enbusiness processesweb-based informationfood storage controlFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO)world's food productionwasteResearch of business processes for a web-based information system for food storage controlArticle