Anischenko, G. O.Lavinsky, D. V.2023-03-272023-03-272023Anischenko G. O. Kinematics [Electronic resource] : textbook. Pt. 1. Analysis of particle motion / G. O. Anischenko, D. V. Lavinsky ; National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Electronic text data. – Kharkiv, 2023. – 52 p. – URI: book is devoted to the basics of theoretical mechanics in the section «Kinematics of a particle». Basic theoretical aspects, examples of solving common problems, as well as options for self-study work are presented. The book is intended for bachelor students studying in the specialties 131 «Applied mechanics» and 133 «Industrial Engineering».entextbooktheoretical mechanicsvelocity of a particleacceleration of a particledynamicsKinematics. Part 1. Analysis of particle motionLearning Object