Rudskyi, O. V.Kopp, Andrii Mykhailovych2024-04-062024-04-062024Rudskyi O. V. Using machine learning to assess the compliance of business process models with textual descriptions / Rudskyi O. V., Kopp A. M. // Бізнес-аналітика: моделі, інструменти та технології : матеріали 5-ї Міжнар.наук.-прак. конф., м. Київ, 5-6 березня 2024 р. / Національний авіаційний університет ; гол. ред. Н. В. Касьянова. – Київ : НАУ, 2024. – P. 466-470. article discusses the problem of comparing business process models with their textual descriptions. This article employs a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology to explore methods for comparing textual descriptions with business process models, aiming to enhance accuracy, identify discrepancies, and foster a common understanding among stakeholders.enmachine learningassesscompliancebusiness processmodelstextual descriptionsUsing machine learning to assess the compliance of business process models with textual descriptionsArticle