Danko, V. G.Goncharov, E. V.2015-05-192015-05-192013Dan’ko V. G. Calculating the Parameters of an Inductive Short Circuit Current Limiter with a Superconducting Shield / V. G. Dan’ko, E. V. Goncharov // Russian Electrical Engineering. – 2013. – Vol. 84, № 9. – p. 478–481.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/14758An inductive short circuit current limiter with a superconducting shield and its operation under normal and emergency conditions are analyzed. A method for calculating its key parameters is proposed.enshort circuit current limiterhigh temperature superconductivitysuperconducting shieldCalculating the Parameters of an Inductive Short Circuit Current Limiter with a Superconducting ShieldArticle