Serhiienko, OlenaArtemenko, ValentinaRutkovska, KaterinaMaizelis, Antonina2021-02-022021-02-022019Electrodeposition of brass from polyligand electrolyte based on pyrophosphate / O. Serhiienko [et al.] // Problems of Materials Science and Surface Engineering (MSSE 2019) : abstr. of Young Sci. Conf. on Material Sci. and Surface Engineering = Проблеми матеріалознавства та інженерії поверхні : тези конф. молодих науковців з матеріалознавства та інженерії поверхні, [25-27 вересня 2019 р.] / орг. ком.: В. О. Лисиченко [та ін.] ; Фіз.-мех. ін-т ім. Г. В. Карпенка. – Львів : ФМІ, 2019. – С. 114-115. purpose of the research is to determine the conditions for brass electrodeposition from a polyligand electrolyte containing pyrophosphate and citrate metal complexes. Methods of cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic deposition were used. It is determined the region of current densities, in which the current efficiency is the highest, the deposit is more uniform in the thickness, and alloy composition is practically unchanged.enElectrodeposition of brass from polyligand electrolyte based on pyrophosphateThesis