Bondarenko, A. I.Mittsel, M. O.Kogushko, A. P.2019-09-132019-09-132014Bondarenko A. I. Laboratory stand for research of the workflow in hydrostatic mechanical transmissions / A. I. Bondarenko, M. O. Mittsel, A. P. Kogushko // European Science and Technology : materials of the 9th Intern. research and practice conf., Munich, December 24th-25th, 2014. – Waldkraiburg ; Munich : Vela Verlag, 2014. – P. 289-295. work of the laboratory stand as a whole as well as its particular elements is described. The effect of laws of parameters change of hydrostatic transmission fluid machines regulation and the laws of the braking torque change on the basic parameters of hydrostatic mechanical transmissions of different structures (two schemes were discussed: the first one with an inlet differential, the second - with an output differential) at implementation of both acceleration and deceleration processes is determined. The phenomenon of non-simultaneous translation of operating regimes of fluid machines being a part of the hydrostatic mechanical transmission with an “output” differential in the areas of zero speed and power modes is studied.enexperimental studyhydrostatic mechanical transmissioninput differentialoutput differentialmathematical modelaccelerationbrakingspecial areaLaboratory stand for research of the workflow in hydrostatic mechanical transmissionsThesis