Posokhov, Igor MikhailovichKhodyrieva, O. O.2018-04-062018-04-062017Posokhov I. Research of risk management trends in Ukraine / I. Posokhov, O. Khodyrieva // Технологический аудит и резервы производства = Technology audit and production reserves. – 2017. – Vol. 3, iss. 5 (35). – P. 9-13.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/35537The current state of risk management in Ukraine is considered in the article. The main factors of economic risk for Ukrainian enterprises are identified, such as the unstable political and economic situation in the state, high inflation, unsustainable tax legislation, etc. The needs of the Ukrainian risk management system are identified, as well as specific features of domestic risk management, which include the lack of own infrastructure of risk management and standards of its implementation, significant differences in the Ukrainian and foreign risk profiles for the enterprise, inefficient state risk management, high level of political risk, etc. The need for further research and development of risk management in Ukraine is proved. The procedure for selection of risk management measures in industrial enterprises is suggested, taking into account the world experience in risk management, in particular the FERMA risk management standards, as well as the peculiarities of the existing approach in Ukraine. The proposals for application of risk management measures are made to mitigate the negative impact of environmental factors on the activities of the enterprise and, as a result, improve the results of the economic activities of the enterprise.Рассмотрено современное состояние управления рисками в Украине. Выделены основные факторы хозяйственного риска для украинских предприятий. Выявлены потребности украинской системы управления рисками, а также специфические особенности отечественного риск-менеджмента, обоснована необходимость его дальнейшего исследования и развития. Предложено процедуру выбора мероприятий по управлению рисками на промышленных предприятиях.enrisk managementrisk factorsrisk management methodsуправление рискамифакторы рискаметоды риск-менеджментаResearch of risk management trends in UkraineИсследование тенденций управления рисками в УкраинеArticledoi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2017.101730