Rogacheva, E. I.Sipatov, A. Yu.Menshikova, S. I.2023-01-262023-01-262017Rogacheva E. I. Quantum oscillations in thickness dependences of transport properties of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films / E. I. Rogacheva, A. Yu. Sipatov, S. I. Menshikova // Nanotechnology and nanomaterials (NANO–2017) : abstract book Intern. research and practice conf., 23-26 August 2017, Chernivtsi, Ukraine / head O. Fesenko. – Kiev : SME "Burlaka", 2017. – P. 511. oscillationsthickness dependencestransport propertiestopological insulatorBi2Se3thin filmsквантові коливаннязалежності товщинитранспортні властивостітопологічний ізолятортонкі плівкиQuantum oscillations in thickness dependences of transport properties of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin filmsThesis