Siketina, Natalya Hennadievna2019-03-062019-03-062019Siketina N. H. Adaptive development of competitive advantages of an industrial enterprise on the basis of analysis and ensuring the competitiveness of its products / N. H. Siketina // Conceptual aspects management of competitiveness the economic entities : coll. monogr. : in 2 vol. Vol. 2 / ed.: M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko. – Przeworsk : WSSG, 2019. – P. 98-107. theoretical study of the issues of adapting the resource potential of an enterprise in the context of imperatives of innovative development reinforces the theoretical and practical significance of conducting a study aimed at studying the processes of the essence of adapting the resource potential of an industrial enterprise within a cluster, developing tools for evaluating and managing this process, allowing to model alternative uses of key components their potential within the cluster. Successful implementation of this task implies the development of an organizational and managerial mechanism for managing the potential of industrial enterprises - potential cluster members, including the formation of a capitalization strategy for their resource potential, an important unit that is information-analytical tools integrated into the cluster management system as a whole. This determined the relevance of the allocation of this spectrum of problems in an independent direction of scientific research, had a direct impact on the choice of topics, setting goals and objectives.enadaptationcompetitiveness of productsenterpriseclusterpotentialadaptation analysisAdaptive development of competitive advantages of an industrial enterprise on the basis of analysis and ensuring the competitiveness of its productsBook chapter