Liaposhchenko, А.Khukhryanskiy, О.Moiseev, V.Manoilo, Е.2022-12-152022-12-152019Foam layered apparatus with foam stabilization / A. Liaposhchenko [et al.] // Chemical Technology and Engineering : proc. of the 2nd Intern. Sci. Conf., June 24–28, 2019. – Lviv : LPNU, 2019. – P. 72-73. work were studied the expanded models of foaming apparatuses with gratings, made of tubes of different diameters. The questions of intensification of foam devices with the use of coarsegrating lattices are considered. The possibility of deep cleaning and practically complete cleaning of gases from ammonia and fluoride compounds with their separate absorption is noted.enindustrial gas emissionscleaning processhydrodynamicsmass transferfoam apparatusfoam layerresearch of purification processesstabilization of foam layerintensive apparatusFoam layered apparatus with foam stabilizationThesis