Марченко, Андрій ПетровичОсетров, Олександр ОлександровичКравченко, Сергій Сергійович2020-12-292020-12-292014Марченко А. П. Порівняльний аналіз моделей теплообміну в циліндрі стаціонарного газового двигуна 11ГД100М / А. П. Марченко, О. О. Осетров, С. С. Кравченко // Наукові вісті Нац. техн. ун-ту України "КПІ". – 2014. – № 5 (97). – С. 24-31.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/50033Heat transfer process in the cylinder of a stationary gas engine pre-chamber – torch ignition of lean fuel-air mixtures and qualitative power regulation was studied and mathematically modelled. During the investigation of heat transfer in the cylinder of the gas engine the components obtained by the results of experimental research of internal thermal balance were analyzed. It was shown that heat transfer in the cylinder 11GD100M has distinctive features compared to the known petrol and diesel engines. The analysis of the temperature condition of the combustion chamber of the engine parts 11GD100M was carried out. According to the results of the experimental data, the empirical dependence of the average temperature of the cylinder wall of the geometrical and operational parameters was obtained. The empirical and semi-empirical models for determining the heat transfer coefficient were analyzed. According to the analysis of the internal heat balance, heat transfer model for application in a gas engine 11GD100M was chosen. It was shown that for the calculation of heat transfer in the test engine, the mathematical models of V. Annand and G. Rosenblit provide the most accurate results.ukфоркамерно-факельне запалюваннявнутрішній тепловий баланстемпература стінкикоефіцієнт тепловіддачіpre-chamber-torch ignitioninternal heat balancewall temperatureheat transfer coefficientПорівняльний аналіз моделей теплообміну в циліндрі стаціонарного газового двигуна 11ГД100МComparative Analysis of Models of Heat Transfer in the Cylinder of Stationary Gas Engine 11GD100MArticle