Posokhov, Igor MikhailovichHerashchenko, Irina Alekseevna2017-04-072017-04-072016Posokhov I. M. Quasi adaptive prediction behavior of the exchange rate at the example of the market FOREX / I. M. Posokhov, I. A. Herashchenko // Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2016. – Iss. 08, vol. 40. – P. 23-26.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/28433It is proposed an econometric model and an algorithm of Quasi adaptive forecasting the exchange rate on the FOREX market, based on the modeling a sign of uncertainty of the forecast.enexchange ratesign of uncertaintyeconometric modelquasi-adaptive predictionQuasi adaptive prediction behavior of the exchange rate at the example of the market FOREXArticle10.15863/TAS.2016.08.40.5