Sikorska, MałgorzataVeres Somosi, MariannPererva, P. G.2018-01-262018-01-262017Sikorska M. Compliance as a tool to combat corruption [Electronic resource] / M. Sikorska, M. Veres Somosi, P. G. Pererva // Актуальні проблеми управління соціально-економічними системами : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф., 7 грудня 2017 р., м. Луцьк / Луцький нац. техн. ун-т. – Електрон. текстові дані. – Луцьк, 2017. – С. 276-280. – Режим доступа: modern views on the problems of internal control, various attempts to combine and convert the experience of sociology, political science, jurisprudence and psychology in the economic dimension are becoming increasingly popular. Compliance is undoubtedly one such approach. The central link that connects compliance with other social sciences is the notion of a norm, which is developed, for example, within the framework of law, but specific mechanisms for its implementation are related to economic entities at the micro level. The concept of norm is connected with institutionalism, which is another integrative direction in economic theory.encompliancecorruptioncompetitiveserviceenterpriseCompliance as a tool to combat corruptionThesis