Larin, Oleksiy O.Vodka, Oleksii O.Kaidalov, Ruslan O.Bashtovoi, Volodymyr M.2016-10-072016-10-072016Stochastic Dynamics of the Specialized Vehicle with Nonlinear Suspension / O. O. Larin [et al.] // Nonlinear Dynamics–2016 (ND-KhPI2016) : proceedings of 5th International Conference, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician V. L. Rvachev, September 27-30, 2016 = Нелінійна динаміка–2016 : тези доп. 5-ї Міжнар. конф., 27-30 вересня 2016 р. – Kharkov : NTU "KhPI", 2016. – P. 133-141. work deals with the theoretical modelling of the vertical dynamics of the vehicle which has an additional level of suspension for a cargo platform with the nonlinear stiffness. The paper presents the design scheme of the additional level of cushioning having a quasi-zero stiffness in the equilibrium position. The mathematical model of the dynamic behavior of specialized vehicles is developed as a nonlinear discrete system. The results of numeric calculations of the vehicle dynamic response on the stochastic load is represented based on the developed model. Vertical vibrations of the cargo platform caused by the kinematics random influence applied to the axels of the vehicle are analyzed. The load is applied to the axels of the vehicle with a time delay. The results of the comparative analysis are displayed for the frequencies and amplitudes of the vehicle vertical vibrations within two different suspensions: in the linear and nonlinear statements.ennonlinear suspensionquasi-zero stiffnessrandom vibrationsride comfortvehicle dynamicsStochastic Dynamics of the Specialized Vehicle with Nonlinear SuspensionThesis