Veres Somosi, MariannPererva, P. G.2023-01-042023-01-042022Veres Somosi M. Development trends of small and medium sized businesses in the republic of Hungary / M. Veres Somosi, P. G. Pererva // Актуальні проблеми управління соціально-економічними системами : матеріали 8-ї Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 15 грудня 2022 р. = The actual problems of social and economic systems management : proc. of the 8th Intern. sci.-practical conf., December 15, 2022. – Луцьк : ЛНТУ, 2022. – С. 216-218. has been proven that the small and medium business sector in any country contributes to flexible restructuring of production, employment growth, formation of entrepreneurial culture, uniform development of regions, active innovation activity, initiates capital accumulation, accelerates scientific and technical progress, and solves problems. social problems, smoothing social conflicts, contributes to reducing unemployment, providing the population with additional income.endevelopmenttrendssmall businessEuropean experienceHungaryDevelopment trends of small and medium sized businesses in the republic of HungaryТенденції розвитку малого та середнього бізнесу в Угорській РеспубліціThesis