Chernobrovkina, S. V.2024-06-032024-06-032024Chernobrovkina S. V. Marketing [Electronic resource] : lecture notes : for students at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the educational programme "Management of organizations and administration" in the speciality 073 "Management" for all forms of study / Chernobrovkina S. V. ; Нац. техн. ун-т "Харків. політехн. ін-т". – Electron. text. data. – Харків, 2024. – 76 p. – URI: number of jobs in an organization is not constant; it varies depending on its market position or budgetary funding. This variation also affects the salaries of managers and other employees. Clearly, the marketing successes of an organization strengthen these positions, providing a sense of confidence and hope for improved individual economic outcomes. For an organization to be successful, it must effectively interact with consumers. It does not fundamentally matter whether the organization is privately or state-owned. Marketing applies to both private and public organizations. The modern market is characterized by an increasingly saturated information space, with the significance and value of information growing. In these conditions, the processes of forming consumer demand and preferences, and exerting marketing influence on them, become significantly more complex. The subject of the discipline "Marketing" involves the processes and methods of studying and satisfying consumer needs as the priority market subjects. The course of lectures on "Marketing" consists of two modules. The first module includes topics that highlight the main directions of marketing. The topics of lectures forming the second module define marketing planning and management. The aim of the educational discipline "Marketing" is to develop knowledge about the basic categories of marketing, methodological aspects of organizing marketing activities, and its priorities in modern conditions. The task is to study the theoretical concepts of marketing categories and contemporary trends in this field of knowledge.enlecture notesmarketingbudgetary fundingmarketing successeseconomic outcomesorganizationsMarketingLearning Object