Сокол, Євген ІвановичРадогуз, Сергій Анатолійович2024-09-062024-09-062022Сокол Є. І. Університет 4.0 / Є. І. Сокол, С. А. Радогуз // Освіта дорослих в умовах невизначеності: залучення, мотивація, тенденції : матеріали XX Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 11 лют. 2022 р., Харків / М-во освіти і науки України, Ін-т вищої освіти НАПН України, Харк. гуманітарний ун-т "Нар. укр. акад." [та ін. ; редкол.: К. В. Астахова (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Харків: Вид-во НУА, 2022. – С. 220-222.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/80911The main goal of higher education is the effectiveness of education, competence, and its quality. Today, the question of the need for transformation in higher education is more relevant than ever. One of the most promising in this sense is the concept of “University 4.0” which determines the synchronization of higher education in accordance with today’s demands and takes into account all the stakeholders’ needs. It is stated in the article that University 4.0 should become a platform that allows educators, applicants, scientists, entrepreneurs and other business entities to interact. And its main function is to be a mediator between the needs of business and intellectual capital. If this succeeds, the university’s funding will no longer depend solely on applicants and study programs. Startups and entrepreneurship with the right support can become an important part of the university ecosystem. The article examines the experience of China, Europe and the United States in order to find the best model of university that will not have the shortcomings of the “clumsy” model of higher education and will be developed in accordance with changes in the structure of knowledge.ukhigher educationuniversity 4.0fourth industrial revolutionquality of educationtransformation of higher educationstakeholdersУніверситет 4.0University 4.0Articlehttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5412-7398