Дольська, Ольга Олексіївна2018-05-152018-05-152017Дольська О. О. Теоретичні та практичні рекомендації до створення дистанційного курсу / О. О. Дольська // Versus. – 2017. – № 1 (9). – С. 65-74.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36098Сучасний світ вимагає звернення викладачів до сучасних техніко-технологічних можливостей нового типу реальності – віртуальної. Дистанційний курс сприяє формуванню нового типу освітнього простору, де будуть поєднуватися технічні й нетехнічні вміння викладача й слухача. Створення дистанційного курсу потребує достатньо ґрунтовної підготовки, яка має синтезувати в собі ознайомлення із сучасними інформаційно-технологічними можливостями, когнітивними й педагогічними концепціями.The modern world requires teachers to address the technical and technological possibilities of a new type of reality – virtual. Distance course promotes a new type of educational space, where they will combine technical and non-technical skills teachers and students. Creating sufficient distance course requires thorough preparation which has to absorb the introduction of modern information technology capabilities, cognitive and pedagogical concepts. When creating such courses, there are many issues including the creation of information-educational space. This is a specialized subspace of the global educational space, a common information space with subsystem of education. It products to form educational institutions subordinated to the objectives of training and education of students. Creating such a space – one of the urgent problems of modern education, as in whole world so on the national level. Particularly acute issue arises in Ukraine. Its formation is associated with problems of creating a single regulatory framework, selection of appropriate information and communication technologies, active communication, giving rise to the issue of reliable operation, creation and use of educational sites, portals. The philosophy of education analyzes of cognitiv theories that constitute or form the basic pedagogical strategy always. Distance course can be created based on a new cognitive educational concept – connectivism. The author describes the main principles of the connectivism application The author shows how to build structural architectonic of the distance course. Names of its component parts, described their content. This is present practical recommendations. Bloom's Taxonomy is analyzed, explaining its connectivity with competence, which should focus on the new paradigm education – paradigm understanding. One of the main tasks when design and develop course is the establishment of goals whose achievement will be decide this course. There are the questions of targets, which should put by teacher, materials by teaching also. This layer of recommendations based on the work of B. Bloom, entitled "B. Bloom’s taxonomy." This is hierarchical system of educational goals, which consists of three areas: Cognitive Domain – cognitive (cognitive), Affective Domain – affective (emotional values), Psychomotor Domain – psychomotor. B. Bloom has put in the first place the phenomenon of action. Why action is so important for a new paradigm of education? The action is connected with competence. Competence was seen as an organic unity of knowledge and skills that are essential for decision-making in a changing world. Be competent – is to be able to mobilize in this situation knowledge and experience. Competence is shown when knowledge in a particular situation moving into action. Why action is so important for a new paradigm of education? Competence is seen as an organic unity of knowledge and skills that are essential for decision-making in a changing world. Be competent – is to be able to mobilize in this situation knowledge and experience. Competence is exerted herself when knowledge in a particular situation to cross into action.ukнавчання змішаненавчання дистанційнекурс дистанційнийконнективізмтаксономіяархітектоніка структурнаmix educationdistance learning courseconnectivismBloom’s taxonomycompetencestructural architectonicТеоретичні та практичні рекомендації до створення дистанційного курсуTheoretical and practical recommendations to create a distance learning courseArticle