Yevtushenko, N. S.Smukova, V. A.Denysenko, Y. I.2023-06-162023-06-162023Yevtushenko N. S. The importance of the safety culture of industrial enterprise workers / N. S. Yevtushenko, V. A. Smukova, Y. I. Denysenko // Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров'я = Information technologies: science, engineering, technology, education, health : тези доп. 31-ї міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. MicroCAD–2023, [17-20 травня 2023 р.] / гол. Є. І. Сокол ; уклад. Г. В. Лісачук. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2023. – С. 343. of the most important and relevant areas in the field of labor protection today is the formation of a culture of safe behavior among the personnel of working professions in the process of labor adaptation in a new work team. It has been established that the greatest number of industrial injuries occurs due to inexperience and incomplete adaptation of the worker to new working conditions. It is important to note that as part of the professional adaptation of association with the practitioner's promotion program, most practitioners form stereotypes of negligent behavior.enохорона працібезпека працібезпечні умови працікультура праціThe importance of the safety culture of industrial enterprise workersArticle