Istomin, A. E.Khatsko, N. E.2020-02-142020-02-142016Istomin A. E. Statistical research and simulation of MEMS gyros measurements / A. E. Istomin, N. E. Khatsko // Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies : proc. of the 7th world congress "Aviation in the XXI-st century", September 19-21, 2016. – Kyiv : NAV, 2016. – P. 1.11.17-1.11.21. article provides results of the statistical analysis and numerical evaluation of noise level components in the MEMS gyroscopes measurements. The Simulink-model of measurement errors for the ADIS16250 angular rate sensors was build, and test data and simulation results were analyzed.enStatistical research and simulation of MEMS gyros measurementsThesis