Malykhin, S. V.Surovitskiy, S. V.Makhlaj, V. A.Aksenov, N. N.Byrka, O. V.Borisova, S. S.Herashchenko, S. S.Reshetnyak, V. V.2021-08-112021-08-112017Structure evolution of tungsten coatings exposed to plasma flows under ITER ELM relevant conditions / S. V. Malykhin [et al.] // Problems of atomic science and technology. Ser. : Plasma physics. – 2017. – No. 1 (107). – P. 123-125., substructure and stress parameters both on the surface and distributed by depth in the tungsten/steel coatings exposed to high energy hydrogen plasma fluxes were studied by X-ray diffraction methods. The hydrogen plasma exposure results in the following recrystallization processes in the thin surface layer of the coating: appearing the texture axis normal to the surface; increasing the coherence length from 60 nm in the initial state to 80 nm after the plasma exposure; completely annealed micro-strains; and dislocation density lowered twice in the exposed surface layer all these facts confirm the thermal character of the hydrogen plasma influence.entungsten coatingsplasma flowshydrogen plasmarecrystallization processesX-raysStructure evolution of tungsten coatings exposed to plasma flows under ITER ELM relevant conditionsArticle