Korotyeyev, Ye.Klytta, M.2014-09-022014-09-022013Korotyeyev Ye. Process analysis in single-phase half-bridge inverter based on extension of differential equations / Ye. Korotyeyev, M. Klytta // Энергосбережение. Энергетика. Энергоаудит = Energy saving. Power engineering. Energy audit. – 2013. – № 8. – Спец. вып. Т. 1 : К 50-летию со дня основания кафедры промышленной и биомедицинской электроники Национального технического университета "Харьковского политехнического института". – С. 58-63.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/8455In the artical a method for calculation of steady-state processes in inverters with sinusoidal outputs is considered. The method is based on expanding of a differential equation with one time variable to a partial differential equation with two independent time variables and on using the two dimensional Laplace transform. The obtained solution is determined a periodical steady-state process in a domain of two variables of time.ensteady-state processinverterexpanding differential equationdimensional Laplace transformинверторProcess analysis in single-phase half-bridge inverter based on extension of differential equationsArticle